Expanding Support for Sexual Assault Survivors

A new trauma-informed program at USC Student Health offers personalized support for USC students. “We’re on call 24/7. We’ll go to the hospital with you; go to court with you; help if you need help navigating social services or seeking financial assistance,” says Katt Morales. “We are 100% confidential and we are survivor-centered.” Morales, one of five new advocates, recently moved into this role after having served as a Student Health call center responder. “Everything we assist with is based on the decisions the survivor makes. We are here to help them with the healing process.” The program is the latest in a series of enhancements to USC Student Health services in the last few years, including a systemwide transition to trauma-informed care and leading-edge prevention efforts such as affirmative consent workshops required for all new undergraduate students. Read more at USC News.Continue Reading Expanding Support for Sexual Assault Survivors

Health Alert: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

USC Student Health advises persons who recently traveled from Wuhan (in the past 14 days) or have had close contact with some suspected of having an infection with the novel coronavirus to watch for flu-like symptoms (fever, muscle or body aches, sore throat and cough, fatigue, headaches); and if experiencing symptoms, use a face mask, and call 213-740-9355 (WELL) to come in and see a medical provider. If you are asymptomatic (not experiencing symptoms) you do not have to be seen by a provider.

USC学生健康中心建议最近从武汉旅行回来的人员(过去14天)或与某些疑似感染新型冠状病毒者有过密切接触的人员注意类似流感的症状(发热、肌肉或身体疼痛、咽喉痛和咳嗽、疲惫乏力、头痛);如果具有此类症状,使用面罩并致电213-740-9355(WELL),以便过来就医。如果您没有症状(没有经历此类症状),则不必来看医生。…Continue Reading Health Alert: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Health alert: Flu Activity

Health alert: 1/10/2020 Flu activity is currently elevated and is increasing throughout Los Angeles County. Flu shots will be available at the USC Student Health booth at the Farmer’s Market every Wednesday through the end of February. Ask about arrangements for “house calls” for group flu shots at student residential/dining locations around the UPC campus; email studenthealth@usc.edu or call 213-740-9355 to arrange immunizations.
Continue Reading Health alert: Flu Activity

Opioids & Naloxone

Did you know? On average, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. Drugs in this category include the prescription medications oxycodone, percocet, vicodin, morphine, fentanyl, among others, as well as heroin. Naloxone (nasal spray Narcan) can reverse the effects of an accidental overdose. Get involved, learn more about opioid overdose intervention that may help save a life, contact studenthealth@usc.edu to learn more about trainings….Continue Reading Opioids & Naloxone

Conversation Starters on Mental Health

Hands in pinky promise

Is your friend going through a tough time? Everybody experiences mental health issues in different ways. Some common signs of distress may include: not acting like they normally do, a loss of interest in the things they used to enjoy, talking about feelings of hopelessness, being more reckless, or isolating from family and friends. Keep…Continue Reading Conversation Starters on Mental Health

Campus Climate Report: 2019 AAU Survey Results

Today (October 15, 2019) we are sharing the results of a national survey designed to better understand campus climate around sexual assault and sexual misconduct at universities across the country. The full release of data can be found on the AAU Campus Climate Survey Data website; the condensed findings are summarized in the Data Spotlight. The survey results clearly show the need for ongoing work to strengthen the prevention and intervention efforts already underway, and to provide additional support for those impacted. Over the past years, the university has increased efforts in these areas. We value your input and will continue to work vigilantly to improve the climate on our campuses.
Continue Reading Campus Climate Report: 2019 AAU Survey Results

Bystander Intervention Training

“Trojans Act Now!” (A 90-minute workshop for students) Trojans Act Now! empowers students to intervene when they witness a situation that may lead to gender- and power-based harm including sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, and sexual assault. Participants will gain skills in identifying potentially risky situations, safely intervene, and help create an inclusive and respectful…Continue Reading Bystander Intervention Training

Undergraduate Student Government funds coverage of HIV testing at USC Student Health

Mahin Tahsin, Trenton Stone, Sarah Van Orman

In an effort to improve those numbers and remove any financial or transportation barriers that could deter screening, USG is providing a grant to cover the costs of HIV testing for USC students who face financial barriers; the HIV testing will be provided on campus by USC Student Health at both Engemann and Eric Cohen student health centers, and is available to undergraduate and graduate students….Continue Reading Undergraduate Student Government funds coverage of HIV testing at USC Student Health