COVID-19 Antibody Study

The results of the USC Student Health study appeared Oct. 15, in the Journal of Adolescent Health. Participants were invited to be part of the study via an email invitation that was sent to 9,135 students enrolled for the spring 2020 semester. Only students still living in the area could participate, as they had to come to the student health center for a blood draw. The study indicates that the virus was not widely circulating in the student population prior to the closure of the physical campus in mid-March 2020. One surprising takeaway from the study could help USC Student Health doctors zero in on possible COVID-19 cases during cold and flu season. Eighty-one percent of students who tested positive for antibodies reported losing their sense of smell or taste — a symptom associated with the new coronavirus but not influenza….Continue Reading COVID-19 Antibody Study

“Healthy Minds” Survey on Student Mental Health

A randomly selected sample of USC students will be invited to complete the survey and will have between September 28 – October 31 (now extended through November 7) to submit responses. All responses are anonymous, and the survey takes approximately 25 minutes to complete. 
The results of the survey will provide important information on the mental health status of USC students, and how undergraduate and graduate students access support services. Every student who is invited is encouraged to participate. As an incentive, each student who submits a completed survey will be entered into random drawings for $20 Amazon gift cards….Continue Reading “Healthy Minds” Survey on Student Mental Health

8/24 Community Health Advisory

For students who remain on or near campus in shared living arrangements, we strongly advise you to act with caution and strictly follow all guidelines for physical distancing (6 ft.), avoiding gatherings with other outside your home, wearing face coverings around others to protect against respiratory droplets, and proceed with high adherence to hand hygiene and frequent surface contact cleaning.

It is strongly recommended that students in the vicinity of USC, especially those living with housemates or suite mates, should test weekly through the Pop Testing program. All students on USC Housing lists will receive a reminder email to this effect.

Personally identifiable information is kept as private patient information by our contact tracing team….Continue Reading 8/24 Community Health Advisory

Student Health announces “Pop Testing” for Covid-19

Pop Testing Square

USC Student Health is initiating population testing (“Pop. Testing”) of COVID-19 with the external company, Color, to begin the week of August 3, 2020. The ongoing testing is part of the University’s overall testing strategy to identify, isolate, contact trace, and contain new infections. Collection will consist of a self-collected nasal swab, under the observation of a health professional, and later, through unobserved self-collection. Results will be available in 1-3 days. Check your USC email for a message from ( if you are recommended to participate in testing….Continue Reading Student Health announces “Pop Testing” for Covid-19

Fall 2020: Covid-19 Testing Strategy and Health Protocols

Over the past few months, the university has developed comprehensive Covid-19 campus public health measures including daily wellness screening, testing, contact tracing, and procedures for isolating individuals who are ill and exposed. These measures were developed from all available scientific evidence and are fully compliant with guidelines from the Los Angeles Department of Public Health. USC will continually update its recommendations as needed based on emerging evidence and changing public health conditions. Students are expected to comply with all required health measures.

Initial Covid-19 Student Test: Students permitted to live in USC Housing or who have an in-person class must present documentation of a COVID-19 test performed within 7 days before their first day on campus. Details on uploading documentation and information about on campus options for this Initial Covid-19 test will be posted to a Covid-19 testing instructions page….Continue Reading Fall 2020: Covid-19 Testing Strategy and Health Protocols

Time Extension for Immunization Compliance

Temporary Postponement for Students Outside of California Due to the current disruptions related to Covid-19 in the U.S., USC Student Health is permitting time extensions for completing immunization requirements for new students residing outside of California as follows: Students currently residing outside of California will not be required to complete immunization requirements until the semester…Continue Reading Time Extension for Immunization Compliance

Covid-19 Health Alert, 7/9/20

We are writing to you at a time when Los Angeles County is seeing unparalleled growth in transmission and percentage of positive cases in our community.

In the past few days, a cluster of 15 positive cases of COVID-19 among houses located on 28th Street has been identified and is being evaluated. Patients with confirmed positive tests are in self-isolation at home or are in the process of being privately transported to isolation.

We have seen a rapid acceleration in community spread in the last three weeks, as has the rest of Los Angeles County. The current positivity rate for LA County is 11%, up from 5% about three weeks ago. Statistically, 1 out of every 7 people in Los Angeles would test positive for COVID-19 at this point in time….Continue Reading Covid-19 Health Alert, 7/9/20

Regarding Rule 1557 of the ACA

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources finalized a rule on June 12, 2020 regarding Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that removes “gender identity” and “gender expression” from the protections against discrimination “on the basis of sex.” This action effectively reverses federal protection against discrimination in healthcare and in health insurance coverage that was explicitly inclusive of transgender men, transgender women, gender nonbinary and other members of the LGBTQ community. The rule also eliminated protection against discrimination for terminations of pregnancy.

As a health care organization, and as part of a world-renowned academic medical center, we would like to affirm to our patients that this change in federal rules announced on Friday afternoon will not diminish any access, care, services, or support from USC Student Health. Although most insurance plans carried by California residents, including the Student Health Insurance Plan and Medi-Cal Managed Care plans, will not be affected by the new rule, we encourage you to verify other coverage. We firmly believe that all patients deserve to be treated with respect, sensitivity, and understanding for their individual identity and context….Continue Reading Regarding Rule 1557 of the ACA