Vaccine Update for Campus— Influenza and COVID-19 Boosters

As we enter the influenza season, the University has renewed the decision to require influenza vaccines for all USC students, faculty, and staff for the 2021-2022 influenza season. The deadline for completion is November 1, 2021. As a reminder, please continue to use recommended hygiene practices: wash your hands, follow masking guidelines, and if you are sick, please stay home.

Recently, the FDA and CDC have also made key announcements on COVID-19 booster shots for the Pfizer (Comirnaty) COVID-19 vaccine. Information for USC students in our campus communities about both these vaccines is outlined in a message to all students….Continue Reading Vaccine Update for Campus— Influenza and COVID-19 Boosters

9/28 Flu Vaccine Requirement for Students

All USC students taking in-person classes or living in university-owned residences in Fall 2020 are required to complete immunization for influenza by November 1. Students living in off-campus residences and taking classes remotely are also strongly encouraged to get a flu vaccine. Students returning to in person classes in Spring 2021 will be required to show proof of vaccination before they will be permitted on campus. 

  • September and October are optimal times for receiving the flu vaccine, as it takes approximately 2 weeks for your immune system to create antibodies for protection. Don’t delay; if you have an opportunity to get vaccinated for flu, take it.
  • Continue Reading 9/28 Flu Vaccine Requirement for Students

    Student Health Advisory Committee

    The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) provides an essential link between USC Student Health and the USC student population. SHAC represents the student body in relaying student health concerns and priorities, provides input into USC Student Health services, and promotes health on campus. SHAC is comprised of members selected through campus partners and should include…Continue Reading Student Health Advisory Committee

    National Recovery Month

    9/15/21—As you may already be aware, September is National Recovery Month—a time to promote and support the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of community members and service providers across the nation who make recovery in all its forms possible, and new evidence-based recovery practices.

    At USC, the Naloxone SC program can provide vital information and assistance to USC students in preventing overdoses or substances laced with fentanyl. Developed by the USC School of Pharmacy graduate students in CPNP, this website includes a video training on opioid reversal using naloxone—this training is available to all USC students, is free, and provides a free twin pack of Narcan-brand naloxone nasal spray and drug testing strips to all who complete the video training. An independent student-run social media account,, provides shareable content on understanding overdose prevention. Please help share the word about these programs. Access to information, training, test strips and naloxone can potentially save a life….Continue Reading National Recovery Month