Student Health Fee
Online students are eligible, but not obligated, to pay the Student Health Fee (SHF, see current fees.)
Participating in SHF provides access to clinical health services, including medical care and mental health.
Services are provided at locations on each of the USC campuses, in University Park and in Eastern Los Angeles, and via telehealth.
For telehealth services, students must be currently residing in California at the time of service, per state licensing regulations of health care providers.
Participating in SHF:
• Allows online program students to access telehealth therapy services with Counseling and Mental Health providers for short-term therapy
• Provides access to UWill, part of the Therapy Plus suite of services. The UWill provides access to teletherapy services in all California for those currently residing in the state.

Participating in SHIP/Aetna
• Provides access to telehealth mental health services through Array Behavioral Health, which is a covered benefit of the SHIP/Aetna plan. Providers are available in all 50 states in the U.S.
Additional insurance-based resources
The website can help you find a therapist who takes your insurance, and is currently available to see new patients.

Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
Plan provided through Aetna
All USC online degree program students who are taking six or more units are automatically enrolled in the USC Student Health Insurance Plan provided through Aetna. This is a PPO plan with medical and mental health coverage. Part-time students taking less than six units may opt to enroll in the plan if they would like to, please contact the Student Health Insurance Office for information. See current fees.
Please note: the USC Student Health Insurance Plan “off-campus” premium rate applies to online degree students, which differs from the “on-campus” rate (for students enrolled in degree programs at the USC campus locations.)
The coverage plan runs on an annual contract that starts mid-August, and is billed through fall and spring tuition invoices. Spring invoices are a higher charge than fall as it also covers a portion of summer months through August.
Through the SHIP/Aetna plan, students may also access tele therapy sessions with a provider through Array Behavioral Health.
Additional Resources
Therapy Plus: Oasis Chat, an option for text-based chat with a trained responder (USC students only).
Therapy Plus: Nod app, tools and tips for new students to create new connections and developing meaningful relationships on campus (USC students only).
Crisis Text Line: Text “Trojan” to 741741, an option for text-based chat with a trained responder (available for anyone in the U.S.).
National Suicide Prevention hotline: Call 9-8-8 , available for anyone in the U.S.