Stay safe, Trojans!

We encourage everyone to monitor weather conditions in the communities where they live and sign up for emergency alerts from their cities.

Sign up for Los Angeles city-issued alerts at NotifyLA

Other safety tips in the event of weather-related power outages or disruptions that might last several days:

  • Charge your phones and other electronics in case you lose power.
  • Refill any medications you might need.
  • Make a communication plan to update family members and friends.
  • Check on your supplies, including food and water.
  • Listen to local officials for recommended preparedness actions.

for STI testing

As Wellness Week kicks off during Valentine’s Week (February 12), all students with Student Health Fee eligibility can get tested with no out-of-pocket costs during the free testing period of February 10 – March 30. Self-directing testing is available through lab services at both Engemann and Eric Cohen locations.

This pilot program is co-funded by Undergraduate
and Graduate Student Governments.

Wellness Week

beginning February 12

Celebrate February with activities throughout the month by Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services.

Also, win prizes at UPC: Pardee Lawn on February 14 (Wednesday)

  • Come by our booth at the Wednesday Farmer’s Market on February 14 for information and special prizes.

Pink’s Hot Dogs at HSC: Pappas Quad on February 13 (Tuesday)

  • For HSC Students, a special February 13 Wellness Day event will take place on Pappas Quad from 12 noon – 2PM, with special prize giveaways and Pink’s Hot Dogs.

Love bombing— the offer of instant companionship— is when a person or an organized group showers attention, adoration, compliments, and/or gifts rapidly at the beginning of a relationship in order to build trust and intimacy. Learn about the signs of love bombing and methods that a love-bomber can use to win your trust, and then exert control over your decisions.

Student Well-being Index Survey (“SWIS”)

opens February 20

  • Look for an email from with your personalized link to take the survey. If you have complete the Culture Journey survey related to the university’s shared values, we thank you. 

  • The SWIS survey is a different data collection that is equally important and focuses specifically on student experiences and outcomes.

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